Yesterday I was awake for maybe six or seven hours in total. The night before that Jake suddenly developed a fever...then I developed a fever...and then I developed the following symptoms: sore chest, sore throat, and narcolepsy. The whole day was a blur of sleeping, eating cinnamon toast and freezies, and sleeping. I showered at 4:00 only so I could put on a fresh pair of pyjamas. I did not even put on makeup! This is a testament to my sickness if ever there was one.
Today we're all a bit better - Jake is still under the weather, but I heroically showered at 9:30 and put on yoga pants, so I'm one step up from a pyjama day. I say this tentatively and nervously: I'm actually kind of enjoying our PJ days. I say this because no one is really, horribly sick; no one is throwing up or dangerously ill or crying. We're just all sort of sick and pretty tired and we have no place to go and nothing to do and it's kind of...nice.
I'm sort of worried the universe is going to smite me for saying that out loud. But it IS nice, snuggly days watching movies, reading books, and the boys playing with their new toys and their Wii. A few more days like this may see me typing feverishly "All work and no play makes Nicole a dull girl" over and over, but for now, it's nice.
Prior to my 18 hours of sleep day, I managed to pack away all the ornaments, disassemble the tree, and finish my cleaning binge. We can now all sit comfortably at the table without moving our chairs around to allow people to get up from the table. Win!
I also went shopping. This to me is somewhat heroic, facing the mall that I had been avoiding for more than a month. We might all have a lot to say about Boxing Week sales, but they are a great time to stock up on things needed throughout the year. For me, that means jeans for the boys. I did some online Boxing Week shopping and managed to get a year's supply of jeans for cheap, something that is desperately needed around here since my kids manage to completely wear out the knees in their jeans within a few weeks. I should add that I am decidedly NOT a seamstress, and there are only so many pairs of cutoff jeans a child needs, and so we go through a lot of jeans.
But other than online shopping, I did venture outdoors and went actual physical shopping. My husband and I dropped the boys off at my mother's and then went to the very quiet downtown mall. My very favourite store had 50% off sales - black and charcoal sweaters! - and I also obtained a new pair of boots. As soon as I have energy I will photograph them and post the picture. THEY ARE HOT. I showed my mom who said, immediately, "Oh! You got hooker boots!" Yes, Mom, I did! They are saucy and tall and the salesman smiled at me and said "You're Puss in Boots!" Um. That was a little awkward, but I think he meant it well.
I was so enamoured with my saucy Puss in Boots look that I even capitulated to the demands of fashion and bought - and I say this somewhat shamefully - half-price jeggings. They are actually much, much more comfortable than I thought they would be, although nowhere near as comfortable as the pyjamas and yoga pants that are my wardrobe this week. Maybe by New Year's, I will feel well enough to actually wear them. Then again, maybe I won't.
We are spending a lot of time relaxing at our house too. My boy has been in PJs for going on 3 days now. He loves it!
ReplyDeleteAnd now I'm picturing you looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. But wearing a black sweater.
ReplyDeleteWell if anybody can pull off the jeggings look, it's you. We're hibernating here too - it's blissful. I did drag us out for a snow walk last night. We just put snow stuff on over our pajamas. We have a whirlwind of social activity tomorrow, then back to pajamas.
ReplyDeleteWe're enjoying pajama days here too. But you had me stumped at jeggings. I had no idea what that was. Had to look it up. Thanks for enlightening me. My fashion sense has been broadened!
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone at your house feels better soon and I'm just gonna put it out there. I like jeggings. There. I said it. I like jeggings and I'm not afraid to wear them.